HERA Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe (2019-2022)
HERA launched its fourth joint research programme addressing the theme of ‘Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe’ in 2017. This research programme will fund new and exciting humanities-centred projects involving researchers from four or more participating countries.
Call Aims
The HERA Public Spaces call wants to mobilise the wide range of multi-disciplinary perspectives necessary to understanding the relationships between ‘public space’ culture and other phenomena, such as, European integration. The research is expected to give new insights that promote the full potential of citizens’ engagement with European public and cultural spaces; to stimulate public and political and scholarly debate about the future prospects of European integration, and to study new modes of interactive and reciprocal engagement between academics and various types of stakeholders including those working in the media, creative industries, and heritage sectors, as they have proved to be the true vehicles of European integration. The challenge for research is to identify how the relations between culture and integration within the context of public space(s) have been modelled and how they can be better understood in order to contribute to a better world.
Funding Available
HERA Public Spaces is co-funded by humanities funding agencies in 24 participating countries and the European Commission with a total budget amounting up to €20 million. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) acts as the Handling Agency managing the call and selection process on behalf of the HERA funding partners. Proposals will be selected in a two-step process involving an independent International Review Panel.
Who can apply?
Collaborative Research Projects (CRP) proposals can be submitted by balanced consortia involving four or more Principal Investigators eligible to HERA JRP PS funders from four or more different countries. Applicants are strongly encouraged to take equality and diversity dimension issues into consideration. Each CRP proposal can apply for research funding up to a maximum amount of €1 million (across all partners), should be between 24 and 36 months in duration and should commence by May 2019. All research teams will be urged to include non-academic stakeholders as associate partners in their consortiums. Applicants will be required to include an impact section in their proposal, specifying how their research results will be valorised and communicated to a wider public.
Researchers from the following 24 participating HERA countries can apply to this call
Austria | Belgium (Wallonia) | Czech Republic | Croatia |
Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France |
Germany | Iceland | Ireland | Italy |
Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Netherlands |
Norway | Poland | Slovakia | Slovenia |
Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | United Kingdom |
Submitting HERA JRP Public Spaces Full Proposals
Full proposals can only be submitted by applicants who have been selected by the HERA JRP Public Spaces board. Applications must be submitted before the deadline of Wednesday, 9th May, 14:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time) by the Project Leader on behalf of all partners of the Collaborative Research Project. The link to the submission system and instructions on how to prepare and submit the Full Proposal will be sent to selected applicants via email.