6 August, 2017
![Westerbork National Monument for Holocaust Victims: Photographed by Caroline Sturdy Colls. Image of the Westerbork National Monument for Holocaust Victims: Photographed by Caroline Sturdy Colls.](https://heranet.info/assets/uploads/2017/10/Westerbork_National-monument-for-Holocaust-victims-1000x500.jpg)
Accessing Campscapes: Inclusive Strategies for using European Conflicted Heritage Sites
This project looks at traces of the twentieth-century mass violence and terror as tangible reminders of the ‘age of extremes’ and their present uses in (trans)national contexts.
In most post-war European countries former Nazi internment camps have become icons of anti-fascist resistance and the Holocaust. They have played a consistent role in post-war European memory of totalitarianism and genocide. In the Eastern European centre of the Holocaust and Communist terror, many former ‘terrorscapes’ are still contested spaces where consecutive internments of prisoners by occupying powers and authoritarian regimes transformed the victims of one event into the persecutors of another.
Prof. Robert van der Laarse
Project Leader
University of Amsterdam
This entanglement of remembering with forgetting and the silencing of competing narratives show the strong connection between heritage, storytelling and the politics of identity. This poses a serious challenge to museums, remembrance institutions, civil society organisations, social activists, critical academics and educators tasked with the development of new and alternative narratives to make such spaces ever more relevant.
Project Partners
Prof. Robert van der Laarse
Project Leader
University of Amsterdam
Prof. Nicolas Apostolopoulos
Freie Universität Berlin
Dr Caroline Sturdy Colls
Staffordshire University
United Kingdom
Dr Pavel Vareka
University of West Bohemia
Czech Republic
Prof. Marek E Jasinski
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Prof. Dr. Paul F.M.J. Vershure
Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia
Associate Partners
Dirk Mulder
Kamp Westerbork
The Netherlands
Dr. Edward Kopówka
The Museum of Struggle and Martyrdom Treblinka
Natasa Jovicic
Jasenovac Memorial Site
Lubomíra Hédlová
Lidice Memorial
Czech Republic
Stephanie Billib
Bergen-Belsen Memorial
Jane Jørstad
Falstad Centre
Mikuláš Kroupa
Post Bellum
Czech Republic
Dr. Béla Rásky
Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies
Dr. Éva Kovács
Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies