8 November, 2024
Humanities in Crisis / Crisis in Humanities conference – Digital Exhibition
Posted: 7 October, 2022
The HERA Public Spaces closing conference took place on 8/9 September 2022 in Wroclaw, Poland. It was documented on film and accompanied by an array of audio-visual digital materials. A selection of these can be found on this page, enabling those who could not attend to engage with project outputs and findings.
Conference programme
Conference keynote speeches
ECR-produced conference video
Project posters
Scroll through to read about each funded project:
Project films
Moving Market Places: End of Project Video
To celebrate the end of the Moving Market Places project, The Open University, in collaboration with three other European universities, has prepared a short film to share insights from the project. The film includes interviews with researchers from Radboud University in the Netherlands, Neuchâtel University in Switzerland, The Open University in the UK and Pompeu Fabra University in Spain.
The Moving Market Places project ran from 2019 to 2022 and investigated the people and practices of urban and rural market places in four different countries and was funded by HERA; Humanities in the European Research Area. The project looked at how marketplaces are produced as inclusive spaces through the mobility practices of traders. In this video we talk to the people involved and hear some of the conclusions and challenges from this innovative project.
Moving Market Places Project on Vimeo
Food2Gather: Exploring foodscapes as public spaces for integration
CeMi: Cemeteries and Crematoria as public spaces of belonging in Europe: a study of migrant and minority cultural inclusion, exclusion and integration
NITE: Night spaces: migration, culture and Integration in Europe
BESTROM: Beyond Stereotypes: Cultural Exchanges and the Romani Contribution to European Public Spaces
PUTSPACE: Public transport as public space in European cities: narrating, experiencing, contesting
FESTSPACE: Festivals, events and inclusive urban public spaces in Europe
Conference panel session recordings
Watch the conference introductory remarks and first two panel sessions below. More to follow.
Professor Wojciech Sowa, Chair of HERA JRP Board, opens the Public Spaces conference ‘Crisis in Humanities/Humanities in Crisis’ at the Hilton Hotel, Wroclaw, Poland. With contributions from Dr Gráinne Walshe, Assistant Director of the Irish Research Council (HERA’s Handling Agency), Professor Tony Whyton and Professor Jo Sofaer (HERA’s Knowledge Exchange and Impact Fellows). 8th September 2022.
This session examined the role of humanities in times of war in Europe. Panellists will examine ways in which the humanities can contribute to political debates and respond meaningfully to ongoing conflicts. How, in times of crisis, are ideas of democracy, cultural values and European identities challenged? What lessons can be learned from the past? What opportunities are being missed in the present?
PANELLISTS: Paul Cooke, University of Leeds; Vinzenz Hediger, VICTOR-E; Anna Branach-Kallas, Nicolaus Copernicus University; Rostislav Oreshko, Centre national de la recherche scientifique; Catriona Kennedy, University of York.
This panel examined migration and displacement through the lens of the humanities, from community responses in times of crisis to the experience of researchers working with refugees and asylum seekers. What are the current research challenges of working with displaced communities? Has the war in Ukraine shifted the agenda around migration and changed public perceptions of refugees and migrant communities? How can humanities research encourage dialogue between different communities of interest?
PANELLISTS: Peter Hopkins, EEYRASPS; Robin Finlay, EEYRASPS; Grazyna Szymanska-Matusiewicz, EN-COUNTER-POINTS; Riva Kastoryano, PLURISPACE.